Volvo VNL Truck Shop v1.4.4 (1.39) ETS2

Volvo VNL Truck Shop v1.4.4 (1.39) ETS2
Adaptation des sons pour FMOD,
Définition de certains moteurs.
Volvo VNL 300, 430, 630, 670, 730, 780, VT 830, 880
La description:
– 8 cabines
– 5 châssis
– Son propre réglage.
– Concessionnaires Volvo, concessionnaires mod.
– Support de peinture, y compris métallique.
– Prise en charge du système de couplage avancé.
– Support de câbles de remorque.
– Pack de créations de direction DLC inclus.
– Drapeaux d'avertissement et bannière avant inclus.
– Cornes incluses.
Mod author: BigBob, SCS Adaptation for ATS: chashkin23 Tuning and improvements of the model: Andrew Chashkin. (chashkin23) Sounds: Kriechbaum, odd_fellow, SCS Onboard computer: piva & some others. Special thanks to everyone who helped me to master ZModeler and 3DS MAX, as well as to those who assisted me with the creation of the mod: Vladislav Krankel-Varter, Denis Zobnin (DANZ), Dmitry Muhanov (Stels). Editorial and update for 1.36 blacksitearea Update for 1.39: miner_38rus